Alert Improvements by Xon

xF2 Add-on Alert Improvements by Xon 2.10.13

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  • Make global "mark read" work without a overlay or redirect to a new page, and reload alerts on the existing page when invoked
  • Handle alerts unviewed/unread being out of sync so trigger summarization
  • For reaction summary alerts
    • Ensure reactions have stable sorting (new summarizes only)
    • On generating summary alerts, ensure they are treated as just-read correctly in the UI.
    • On viewing details, Fix the new alert star was being put under the avatar incorrectly
  • Fix access check when unsummarizing alerts. This could allow deleting arbitrary alerts for other users, but did not leak contents of that alert.
  • Fix unsummarizating alerts where not correctly marking the alert as unviewed
  • Remove redundant separator when floating mark read/unread right
  • Update phrase used by the reaction summary for a single user giving multiple reactions
  • Fix "Call to a member function updateUnreadCountForUser() on null" during hourly cleanup
  • Remove overlay flag on alert preferences link on alert page
  • Tweak read/unread/recently-read row styling, move read/unread separator as css class rather than inline styling
  • Restore per-alert 'mark read' link
  • When pruning alerts; Reduce maximum batch size, and back-off by 1 second between prune attempts
  • Fix unexpected extra queries when a user doesn't have unread alerts
  • Even if "Alerts pop-up skips mark read" is set, mark alerts with the content type "user" as read when the alert pop-up is opened. As these alerts never get marked as read by visiting content
  • Patch hourly alert cleanup to better respect max job run time
Rename various templates to match XenForo Resource Standards
  • The installer does attempt to rename the affected templates to preserve history and custom changes.
  • Only delete in batches to prevent issues with galera clustering which can deadlock or stall for large data sets
  • Do not constantly change view_date when re-summarizing or un-summarizing alerts to prevent alerts being kept alive forever