Media Cleaner Pro

WP Plugins Media Cleaner Pro v5.0.1

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Media Cleaner detects unused and useless files from your WordPress. It cleans your Media Library and your Uploads Directory. For this, it analyzes your whole WordPress install and scans to find how your files are actually in use. It features many options and filters. It is the only tool that is able to perform all those tasks and we are constantly working on it to make it better and simpler to use.

You can choose to scan either your Media Library or your Uploads Directory (Pro Version). The plugin will then check if your media or your files are used anywhere in your WordPress.

Powerful Scan
The Media Cleaner checks your post types (posts, pages, portfolios, products, etc), your meta, widgets, theme, and resolves the shortcodes to find more. It also has specific checks to support the popular Page Builders (Pro Version). It will be easy to discover the broken medias, unused medias/files and orphan images (retina) in your system.

Trash System
The result of this scan will be displayed on the dashboard of the Media Cleaner. From there, you can choose to move them in the trash. After testing your website thoroughly, you can empty this trash. Or you can Restore a media/file if it was actually in use, and mark it as Ignored by Media Cleaner.

The Pro Version
If you wish to run a scan based on your filesystem (/uploads directory) to reveal more unused files and/or if you are using a Page Builder, then the Pro version will be much better for you. Currently, the Pro Version supports:
  • WooCommerce
  • ACF
  • BeaverBuilder
  • WPBakery
  • Elementor
  • Divi
  • Avada
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