[NixFifty] Discord Integration

xF2 Add-on [NixFifty] Discord Integration 2.8.5

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
2.0, 2.1, 2.2
Additional Requirements
A Discord server, XenForo 2.1.0+, PHP 7.2+
Discord Integration allows you to establish a connection and manage your Discord server from the comfort of the XenForo Admin Control Panel. This is a free upgrade if you already own an active license to the original Discord Integration.
  • Allows for XenForo user groups to be synced with Discord server roles. Essentially this allows you to automate the giving and removing of Discord server roles based on the groups that a XenForo user is part of. Users can associate their Discord identities with their XenForo usernames to establish a sync.
  • Discord nicknames can also be updated to match forum names.
  • New for XenForo 2.x: Allow the bot to show up as online and display a custom status message.
  • Manage your Discord instance from the ACP.
  • Allow your users to register and sign up via Discord.
  • Send alerts to connected users and channels via the ACP.
  • Automatically post links to threads from XenForo forums to defined Discord channels as soon as they're posted. The user who posted the thread, the thread title, a short snippet and a link to the thread are included in the message.
    • This is set on a per-forum basis allowing you to fine-tune what channels should get the notifications.
  • New for XenForo 2.x: Automatically post links to resources from XenForo Resource Manager to defined Discord channels as soon as they're posted. The user who posted the resource, the resource title, a short snippet and a link to the resource are included in the message.
    • This is set on a per-category basis allowing you to fine-tune what channels should get the notifications.
  • Allow staff members with permission to 'promote' links to threads to Discord channels.
  • Allow users to receive watch notifications from forums and threads they specify (in addition to emails and alerts). They will receive these notifications privately from your configured bot. There are plans for future expansion with 1-to-1 communication with the bot.
  • New for XenForo 2.x:The bot can now send XenForo alerts straight to your Discord DMs. All types of alerts are supported out of the box with zero configuration required.
    • Users can opt-out of this behaviour by adjusting the appropriate setting within their Account Preferences area.
  • Support for Report Centre Essentials to add notifications for new open reports and when the total number of open reports reaches a certain threshold.
  • Users can be automatically added to your server when they connect their Discord account.
    • Conversely, they can be kicked from your server when they disconnect their Discord account.

Installation guide

  1. Install the add-on through the XenForo admin panel, as normal.
  2. Navigate to your XenForo admin panel -> Setup -> Connected providers -> Discord. Leave this page open as we will need to fill out the values.
  3. You will need to create a new Discord application by going here and then clicking "New Application".
    NixFifty-Discord Integration-Screenshot 2020-08-23 at 16.05.07.jpg

    1. Set the "Name" to whatever you want your bot to be called and continue. You may optionally set a description and icon for your bot. Leave this page open as you will need to grab the values from here in later steps.
      NixFifty-Discord Integration-Screenshot 2020-08-23 at 15.42.21.jpg

    2. On the left, click the heading named "OAuth2" and then copy the "Client ID" and "Client Secret" values and paste them in to the according fields for the Discord connected account provider in your admin panel (from step 2, above).
      NixFifty-Discord Integration-Screenshot 2021-08-14 at 19.43.49.jpg

    3. Using the sidebar on the left, navigate to the OAuth2 section for your Discord application and click "Add Redirect". Fill in a URL in the form of your board URL followed by connected_account.php. So for example: https://mysite.com/connected_account.php
      NixFifty-Discord Integration-Screenshot 2020-08-23 at 15.51.27.jpg

    4. Using the sidebar on the left, navigate to the Bot section, click "Add Bot" and then accept the warning. Ensure 'Public Bot' and 'Require OAuth2 Code Grant' are both unchecked.
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      NixFifty-Discord Integration-Screenshot 2020-08-23 at 15.55.17.jpg

    5. Copy the "Token" displayed under the username for the bot and paste it in to the corresponding field in the Discord connected account provider in your admin panel.
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  4. You'll also need your Discord Server ID which can be obtained by following the steps listed here.
    1. Once you've obtained this, paste it in to the Guild ID field of the Discord connected account provider in your admin panel and finally, save the connected account provider.
  5. Navigate to your XenForo admin panel -> Tools -> Test Discord integration. Run the test and initially, it will be red and failing.
    1. Locate the "Invite bot to server" button, click it and follow the prompts to automatically add the bot to your server with appropriate permissions.
    2. Click "Open WebSocket" to ensure messages can be sent by the bot.
  6. Re-run the test and you should be all good to go.
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Last update
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Latest updates

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    Use password field for bot token and client secret values in the admin panel. Add a per-server...
  2. Update 2.8.3

    Harden function to get Discord server mapping. Fix group sync position tracking not being...
  3. Version 2.8.1

    Include additional contextual information when sending a notification to Discord. The content of...