[cXF] Enhanced New Threads Widget

xF2 Add-on [cXF] Enhanced New Threads Widget 1.0.0

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Q: How to set up a widget in i.e. Forum list: Above nodes display position?

If you already know how to set up a New threads widget, you can skip to point 2. Just make sure to use Expanded in the Display style.

1. Create a New threads widget

In the admin section, go to Appearance > Widgets and click the button Add widget, then choose New threads.

Set the unique Widget key and write it down. You'll need this key in settings for this add-on later.

Optionally you can set the Widget title.

Set the Display position. We'll choose Forum list: Above nodes, but you can use any position you want or even use the widget code to show the widget on a custom page node.

In the Display condition, you can use conditional statements to show this widget for instance only to admins, mods, registered users, specific user groups or guests.

Use Maximum entries to show this many thread blocks.

Make sure to use Expanded in the Display style otherwise, the thread blocks will not show as article previews. You can optionally display the widget title above the list of threads.

2. Enter the widget key in the add-on style properties field

Go to Appearance > Style properties > [cXF] Enhanced New Threads Widget and enter the search forum widget key in the appropriate field.

You can add it to Widget style 1 or Widget style 2. You can use up to three different new threads widgets for each widget style configuration.

Configure the thread blocks to suit your needs.