WP Plugins WP Schema Pro v2.7.12 - Nulled


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Oct 25, 2023


WP Schema Pro v2.7.12​



Demo: https://wpschema.com/


The Simplest Way to Implement Schema Markup Boost your website SEO in a few clicks. No coding skills needed.




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New member
Dec 31, 2023


I upload the plugin for this Site But Not Working Well


Well-known member
Oct 25, 2023



Well-known member
Oct 25, 2023


i upload for this website xaflam.com but website hiden from google search
XaflamGoogle indexing can take several weeks. Indexing usually takes several weeks, depending on many different factors.

From Google:

Step 1: Check whether the page or website is really not displayed

First, check whether your page or website is actually not appearing in the Google index. Many users believe that their website is not included in Google's results, when in fact it is only ranked low (e.g. if you are using a mobile device but the site only works on a PC).

To check whether the page is missing:

Deactivate SafeSearch. This function could filter your results.
Search Google for your website or page:
Missing website: Perform a "site" search with the syntax site:your_domainname.
Example: site:example.com
Missing page: Perform a "site" search with the syntax site:url_der_seite
Examples: site:example.com/animal_store/hamster or https://site:beispiel.de/tierhandlung/hamster
If you see results, the website or page is in the index:
Website: The website may be indexed, but not every page appears on Google. You can add a sitemap so that Google can find all the pages on your website.
Page: There can be various reasons why a page is not easy to find in the search results. Examples:
If a page is in the index but is ranking lower than expected, our guidelines for websites may help you.
If the page has only recently dropped in the rankings, you can try to determine the possible causes.
If there are multiple versions of a page, e.g. a mobile and a desktop version, or two URLs pointing to the same page, Google will classify one as canonical and all others as duplicates. The search results then only refer to the canonical page. Check the page with the URL check tool to find out whether it is classified as a duplicate by Google.
If you still cannot find your website or page in the search results, continue as described under "Step 2, Fixing the problem".

Step 2: Correct the missing page

Once you have confirmed that a page is missing, you can diagnose the problem as follows.

In the following, we assume that you have a Search Console account, as this makes it much easier to find indexing issues.

  1. Wenn Ihre Website oder Seite neu ist, befindet sie sich eventuell nicht in unserem Index, da wir sie noch nicht crawlen oder indexieren konnten. Nachdem Sie eine neue Seite online gestellt haben, kann es einige Zeit dauern, bis sie gecrawlt wird. Eine Indexierung dauert in der Regel noch länger. Die Gesamtdauer kann zwischen ein oder zwei Tagen und einigen Wochen liegen. Das hängt von vielen verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Google Ihre Website crawlt.
  2. Haben Sie diese Website erst kürzlich von einer anderen Person gekauft oder übernommen? Es könnte sein, dass manuelle Maßnahmen gegen die Website ergriffen wurden. Auf den Verlaufsseiten in den Berichten Manuelle Maßnahmen und Sicherheitsprobleme sind alle ausstehenden Aktionen zu sehen, die gegen die Website ergriffen wurden. In der Dokumentation zu Ihrem Bericht erfahren Sie, wie Sie bereits vorhandene Probleme auf einer gekauften Website beheben können.
  3. Falls Sie Ihre Website vor Kurzem umstrukturiert oder auf eine neue Domain oder HTTPS umgestellt haben, erzielen Seiten mit bisher guten Leistungen nun vielleicht schlechtere Rankings, wenn bei der Umstellung Fehler passiert sind. So beheben Sie das Problem: Verwenden Sie 301-Weiterleitungen („RedirectPermanent“), um Nutzer, Googlebot und andere Crawler weiterzuleiten. Diese Weiterleitung können Sie bei Apache über eine „.htaccess“-Datei und bei IIS über die Verwaltungskonsole vornehmen. Wenn Sie kürzlich auf HTTPS umgestellt haben, sollten Sie überprüfen, ob sowohl Ihre HTTP- als auch Ihre HTTPS-URLs in Google angezeigt werden. Weitere Informationen zur Umstellung Ihrer Website mit minimalen Auswirkungen auf die Suchergebnisse
  4. Überprüfen Sie, ob manuelle Maßnahmen gegen Ihre Seite ergriffen wurden. Manuelle Maßnahmen verringern das Ranking Ihrer Seite oder führen dazu, dass sie vollständig aus den Suchergebnissen entfernt wird. Der Bericht "Manuelle Maßnahmen" enthält in solchen Fällen Hinweise dazu, wie Sie die zugrunde liegenden Probleme beheben. Wurde die Seite aus rechtlichen Gründen entfernt, lesen Sie die Artikel zum Entfernen von Inhalten aus rechtlichen Gründen und über die Richtlinien zum Löschen von Inhalten.
    Check whether security issues have been reported for your website. Security issues can reduce the ranking of your site or cause a warning to appear in the browser or search results. In such cases, the "Security issues" report contains information on how to resolve the reasons for the manual action.
    Check your page with the URL check tool:

    If the tool says that the page has not been indexed
    Read the documentation to find out the reason and how to fix the problem. Here are the most common reasons:
    The page is blocked by a robots.txt file, a noindex statement or another mechanism, such as password protection. In these cases, take the necessary steps to unblock the page.
    If the report refers to other technical problems, read the documentation. This will help you to find out what other reasons could be causing the block.
    If there are no errors and the page is not blocked for Google, the page may not be found.
    Request indexing of the page with the URL check tool.
    If the tool states that the page has been indexed

    Check whether you or someone else has requested that the website or URL be removed from the index and such a request has been approved. Open the URL removal tool and search for approved requests to remove URLs or websites. If you find what you are looking for, you can revoke the request.
    It could be that the page was unintentionally removed or removed from the index for other reasons. The internet is huge and sometimes not even Google finds every page, even though we do our best. You can ask Google to crawl your URLs again.
    Still having difficulties? Describe the problem in the forum for webmasters. Include as many details as possible and add links to your website.

    Improve Google's chances of finding and crawling your website

    If Google can't seem to find all the pages on your website, this is an indication that Google either can't crawl the pages or can't interpret them correctly and therefore can't index them. Familiarize yourself with the basics of crawling and indexing.
    Crawling errors

    Google needs to be able to find your pages in order to index them. Below are the main ways you can help Google find your pages more easily:

    Submit a sitemap. This will tell Google exactly which pages to crawl. Many website hosting services will create and send a sitemap for you, so you don't have to. You can find more information by searching for the term "sitemap" in your service's documentation.
    Make sure that users find out about your website. Google also discovers new websites via existing websites.
    Create a comprehensive link navigation on your website. Make sure that every page of your website can be accessed via at least one link on your homepage. Avoid links that are only displayed through user interaction, non-standard linking technologies and links that are embedded in media files or other complex technologies.
    Request indexing of your home page. If your pages are appropriately linked together, Google should be able to find them all from your home page.
    Websites that use URL parameters instead of URL paths or page names may be more difficult to crawl. A page at example.com/petstore/zebra is easier for Google to find than a page with the address example.com?page=1234.
    Indexing errors

    In the starting guide to search engine optimization (SEO) you will find many good tips to improve the crawling and indexing of your website.

    Also make sure that your site complies with the basics of Google search.